rovide Voice Compression Equipment,DCME-Digital Circuit Multiplication Equipment,Transmission System,ADPCM & E1 Muliplexers.
Voice Compression Equipment,DCME
DCME Voice compression Equipment
DCME,Voice Compression Equipment,DCME-Digital Circuit Multiplication Equipment,Transmission System,ADPCM & E1 Muliplexers
DCME-6(Digital Circuit Multiple Equipment)  
  DCME-6 applies ITU-T G.763 standard <Digital Circuit Multiple Equipment with ADPCM £¨ITU-T G.726£© and Digital Speech Interpolation> 
DCME-6 refers to the standard of the telecommunication industry----YD/T 829-1996<Technical Requirements on DCME(Voice compression Equipment) used in Domestic Satellite Digital Telecommunication Networks>
DCME Voice compression EquipmentDigital Circuit Multiple Equipment-DCME
  Summary of DCME-6
DCME £¨Digital Circuit Multiplication Equipment,Voice compression Equipment£© integrates DSI, VBR, LRE technologies and any other effective transmission technologies to highly multiply the traffic capacity of digital circuits. DCME-6, as shown, is one of Multicom products. Its technological core comes from the project of the former Ministry of Posts & Telecommunications (MPT). The project, "5-8 multiple Digital Circuit Multiplication Equipment£¨DCME-6£©", is developed by NUPT. With the painstaking effort of many technological experts in the field of multiplication technology in the researching, testing and modifying and the long-term application in telecommunication networks, the product has been proved to be of technical advantages and steady performance as the only kind of product that can replace imported like products, widely used in many areas of the domestic telecommunication networks. 

Main Features of DCME-6

Better than overseas like equipments in complying with the ITU-T recommendation G.763£¨1994/1998£© and many other performances. 
The Digital Speech Interpolation £¨DSI£© and Variable Bit Rate £¨VBR£©ADPCM 40/32/24/16kbps code compression technology is employed.  
FAX and Modem voice-band data are automatically discriminated and the 40kbps ADPCM coding is dynamically distributed for them. The voice-band data rate can reach 12kbps.
By way of point-to-point operation, as much as six 2Mb/s-trunk group signals £¨186 circuits£© can be compressed into one 2Mb/s-bearer channels for transmission.
Low absolute time delay£º the absolute end to end time delay of the improved DCME-6 terminal is less than 9.2ms.
High Robustness£º The Golay(23,12) Error-correction coding is employed in Control Channel (CC). The measures such as periodically forced updating to connection message and signaling message are employed. Even if high bit error rate occurs (close to 10-3), the product can insure the dynamic connection.  
Low power consumption£º average terminal power consumption <28 W, average switch over matrix (SOM) sub-shelf <8 W
High integration level and small size. 

Application of DCME-6
DCME-6 is connected to both sides of the 2Mb/s bearer transmission link, enlarging the conventional 2Mb/s link circuit capacity by 4-6 times by means of the complicated signal compression coding and channel dynamic distribution without changing the existing load group coding speed and shape, G.703 inlet and G.704 transmission control protocol on TSO. It is thus widely used in the satellite IDR, single-determination TDMA satellite link circuit, digital microwave and digital UHF link circuit, digital cable and optical fiber stress router and many combined long-distance or short-distance digital link circuits.
DCME-6 is applicable for telephone, voice-band data, signaling message and some transparent data link circuit.

DCME Voice compression Equipment

  DCME-6 users include£º
GSM and imitation mobile phone provider 
Exclusive /hired network telecom provider
Wireless channel expansion of the public network 
Other network providers
Extension of the public network, exclusive network or other emergency circuits 

Powerful network management system
The network management system of the PC monitoring workstation with Chinese image interface is powerful and easy to learn and use. Each PC can monitor 8 near-end DCME units and 8 far-end DCME units with an average of 8£«1 DCME terminals to return to stand-by devices. And the far-end monitoring message transfer adopts the domestic bit in the load group TS0. 
  Main interface of the network management system  
DCME Voice compression Equipment
  Configuration interface  
DCME Voice compression Equipment
  Difference between DCME and Transcoder 
¡úDCME integrates DSI, VBR, LRE technologies and other effective transmission technologies to distinguish and dynamically distribute the transmission channels to meet different needs (data or voice, transparent of exclusive) , which ensures multiple transmission efficiency and high quality. e.g. DCME-6 distributes ADPCM 40Kbps to the voice-band data, 32/24/16Kbps variable to voice, which guarantees multiple voice compression and voice-band data speed up to 12kbps.
¡úThe transcoder adopts the simplex LRE technology in the circuit distribution. Idle circuits also have a coverage, which leads to relatively low multiplication rate and weak data transmission. When a 64KB/S data circuit £¨such as 7# signal message£© is installed, several lines in the way must be blocked up.  . 
Voice compression Equipment
Copyright @2001-2007 Guangdong Multiplication Communication Co., Ltd.
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Voice Compression Equipment